3.9: Budgets
Cost and profit centres
Cost Centers:
Departments that incur costs but don't generate revenue.
Costs are allocated to specific activities.
Managers are responsible for monitoring and managing costs.
Help identify areas with high costs.
Profit Centers:
Departments that incur costs and generate revenue.
Managers are responsible for costs, revenues, and profit.
Used by large, diversified businesses.
Identify profitable and less profitable areas.
Advantages of Cost and Profit Centers:
Improved Financial Control: Better monitoring of costs and revenues.
Performance Assessment: Compare different sections' financial performance.
Autonomy: Empowers managers to make decisions.
Motivation: Rewards managers for meeting targets.
Accountability: Holds managers accountable for performance.
Disadvantages of Cost and Profit Centers:
Allocation Challenges: Allocating indirect costs can be subjective.
Profit Distortion: Fixed cost allocation can affect profits.
External Factors: External factors can influence department performance.
Data Collection: Requires time and resources.
Potential for Competition: May create internal competition and tension
Constructing a budget
A budget is a financial plan outlining expected revenue and expenditure for a specific period. It helps allocate resources, monitor performance, and control business activities.
Types of Budgets:
Flexible Budgets: Adjust to changes in the business environment.
Incremental Budgets: Increase previous year's budget by a percentage.
Marketing Budgets: Plan marketing activities.
Production Budgets: Plan output levels and stock costs.
Sales Budgets: Forecast sales volume and revenue.
Staffing Budgets: Plan labor costs.
Zero Budgeting: Starts with a zero budget and requires approval for all expenditures.
Master Budget:
The consolidated budget for the entire organization.
Managed by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Includes capital expenditure plans.
Considerations for Budget Construction:
Financial Strength: The amount of funds available.
Historical Data: Past trends and economic forecasts.
Organizational Objectives: Growth plans and goals.
Benchmarking: Comparing to competitors' budgets.
Negotiations: Discussions between budget holders and CFO.
Budgetary Control
Budgetary control is the process of monitoring budgets, investigating variances, and taking corrective measures to ensure actual outcomes align with budgeted expectations.
Variance Analysis:
Variance: The difference between budgeted and actual outcomes.
Favorable Variance: Financially beneficial discrepancy (e.g., lower costs, higher revenue).
Adverse Variance: Financially detrimental discrepancy (e.g., higher costs, lower revenue).
Steps in Budgetary Control:
Compare actual and budgeted figures.
Identify variances.
Investigate causes.
Take corrective measures.
Importance of budgets and variances in descions making
Purposes of Budgeting and Variance Analysis:
Planning and Guidance:
Helps anticipate financial problems and prepare accordingly.
Allocates resources to departments.
Provides guidance for decision-making.
Aligns individual actions with organizational goals.
Ensures consistent and transparent decision-making.
Prevents conflicts between departments.
Monitors and controls spending.
Identifies areas of overspending.
Holds managers accountable for financial performance.
Empowers budget holders and promotes autonomy.
Encourages teamwork and motivation.
Recognizes and rewards performance.
Limitations of Budgeting and Variance Analysis:
Unforeseen Changes: Unexpected events can make budgets inaccurate.
Overestimation: Managers may overestimate budgets to ensure they meet targets.
Carry-Forward Restrictions: Surplus funds may not be carried over to the next year.
Top-Down Budgeting: Senior managers may not fully understand departmental needs.
Inflexibility: Budgets may not adapt well to rapid changes in the business environment.
Qualitative Factors: Ignores non-financial factors like social responsibility, employee motivation, and environmental impact.